Sunday, September 5, 2010


Hi !

I haven't posted lately because I have been quite busy and have been sad.

Bernard and I broke up recently so its definitely been a downer. Its a little bit complicated but we still love each other and we still love to cuddle up and watch movies together (including Scarface yesterday!).
Maybe someday if we work some things out things will change between us for the better :)
I hope so.

Today everyone has left for University/College and tomorrow my parents will be departing to Martha's Vineyard. One of my favourites. Sadly I am not allowed to go along and have to stay home! However, it occurred to me while grocery shopping today with my mom that while my friends are moving into residence I am being left with a house on the water front...

YES !!

My contract has also changed so now I went from having two days off to having two days of work. VACATION! I am so excited to just do my own thing.

Even though I have been really bummed out lately and the weather has been depressing and dark I figured why not write a happy blog? Lots of cute, fun, happy things have happened lately so why not write about those?

I finally got my Tiffany's necklace (just like the one in the pic!) and my new Macbook.... I am on it now actually! Its super cute. I also got the ipod touch too! I have been looking for Louis Vuitton cases for it because I am addicted to Louis Vuitton. I love getting things in the mail! Its like Christmas :)

I am still waiting on my new extensions and a book I ordered called "The Power of Now."

Yes I am such a philosophy nerd ;p ! I want to read more books like this oppose to the Autobiography or Sociological books I normally read so that I can continue to learn despite not being in school :)
tonight is my first night as a single girl (excluding last night where I hung out with Bernard!)
Now many girls probably go out and get shit faced and perhaps make out/hook up with someone. BUT there are far more important matters at hand

things that far surpass the importance of

What is that important thing you ask?
Well that important thing is my hair :)
I am fixing my roots tonight and also writing this blog to share with you a important realization that I have come to in terms of beauty and fashion.

The Ballerina Bun <3

The pic below is of my friend Rachel and I goofing around sporting what we call a 'tourist bun'. The tourist bun is the typical lazy hair do of a girl who is visiting Muskoka that either assumes everyone up here does that to her hair ....or she doesn't need to try up here because we are hicks (she thinks).
These ugly hair-dos are not allowed because we are classy bitches. Yes we will have the odd lazy day BUT you can only have so many lazy days until your just LAZY.
Below is my inspiration. This first pic is my all time favourite! If someone invites me to prom this year I will totally sport this cute look and be an awesome date- just saying' :)
I love dress up !!!!!

This one is a little messier but it will pass because it is cute and doesn't look like a revolting rats nest.

Classy ! <3


Need I say more?

Thank-you for reading !

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