Tuesday, September 7, 2010

So This is Freedom eh? I LOVE IT

You know that feeling that you get when everything is working the way you'd hoped? That happened to me today and I am normally very discontent. I woke up and had breakfast with my friend Rachel and brother William. They had to rush off to school and my world that was once spinning suddenly stood still.

Today was the first day of school... for just about everyone that I know...except for me.
You'd think this would make me veg in front of the T.V. but when it comes to me having the opportunity to do my own thing 'veggie' is the last thing I want.

I woke up at 7 for breakfast, did ab ripper and a lower body work out then showered up. I checked my emails finally and I have some modelling offers. My mom and I will be in Toronto in a few weeks so this will be perfect for me to meet with a photographer.

I know some people are going to start thinking "You don't do anything" since I work weekends up until Thanksgiving weekend but 5 days a week 'I'm doin' me'. I graduated high school and I did my time. Yes I could have gone to University but deep down I am proud that I didn't for various reasons- particularly due to the job market. I don't throw it in peoples faces the same way that they throw their Facebook status' in mine, "Finally getting out of this town" or "Starting a new life". These are the types of things that they might say making it seem as though Muskoka were a prison. Home is where the heart is. If your family is here this will always be home - don't you forget where you came from.

I feel like I earned the chance to have a break for the next month and a half (even though I do work). In this past school year I at one point had 2 jobs, then 3 jobs, then 1 job then a new job. I worked 9-5 five days a week all summer and skipped SO many parties...part time 5-9, 4-9 shifts don't have shit on my continuously repetitive job. I worked like a dog all year and pushed myself to get my math credits completed and math is hard since my gr.11 teacher was LAZY- doesn't really make gr.12 much easier. My hearts broken twice and everyone around me is dying slowly but surely or has already. I worked my ass off and did it all- all that I wanted to achieve academically, extra curricularily (if only that were a word).
So suck on that.
Because I did it.

Now I can chill for a bit. I am wound SO tight I need time. Mentally and emotionally. I already feel better after just one short day.
Today I walked to the bank and deposited some cheques for about a thousand into savings. I am big into saving money even though I have a lot of people that always try to borrow- its really upsetting for me since I am a very independent person that works hard.

I also went to the post office hoping that the book I ordered would be there- no dice. :'(
I went to the grocery store to pick up some pictures and talked to my old boss who was working in the Photolab. She was an excellent boss and I will always have so much respect for her. I don't normally think this of people I've worked with but I hope she emails me and keeps me posted about her life. She's VERY inspirational and supportive. She told me she was proud of me for taking a year off to experience life.
Thank you Dorothy :)

Afterwards I walked to Olivers and got a blended Chai
Mecha Oh-i-Shi! (very delicious in japanese)
Rachel and Carol were finished school and came to meet me there after school and we went to ANOTHER place I used to work at as a cosmetician so we could buy some make up.

Its been raining so much and I have been flipping through my big fat new Vogue mag. My cousin Emily called today and we talked a lot about New York. Her and her bf will probably come with me for New Years which would be AMAZING. Emily is also a photographer and so is her Bf so maybe some mini NY shoots? I do hope so :)

Everything is going as planned. I need some room to breathe so that I can begin to write. I am writing a book which people stick their nose up at ....well... fuck you- what have those types of judgemental people done for the world lately? Acted like a snot? Lets all thank the dream crushers for wasting our time. SPECIAL THANK YOU TO THE ASS HOLES OUT THERE.... really appreciate the lack of purpose you have played in my life ;)
They forget.... I am stubborn. If I really want something it is going to happen lol.

I will also be starting a business which is super secret ;) I don't want anyone to know until it is up and running smoothly. I won't be able to start for another week or two so for now I am just going to enjoy the calm before the storm and hopefully working out more and playing more tennis.
Completed List :
- Wake up to the rain in the afternoon and tan in the late afternoon.
- Watch Breakfast at Tiffanys with Rachel wearing pearls and sipping Strawberry Daiquiris out of flutes (this was added later but oh so classy)
- Confronted my boss
- Made Rice Crispy Squares
- Cuddled with Bernard one last time
- Watched the stars (with Bernard)
- Finally looked someone in the eye and told them my plans next year without feeling shame.

**- My boss told me that I was a wonderful person that will do something big and make a difference **

Excellent first day !! :)
Couldn't have been more motivating and encouraging.

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