Sunday, September 26, 2010

What I Want to do About Forever ♥

So I decided to grow a pair recently haha.
After trying to avoid being in public to avoid the dreaded "What are you doing here? You're not in school?" from people that know my parents.
NO I didn't go to school and I DON'T CARE.

I am so happy that I never went. I hated my program before I even went. The week before everyone moved into school (this would have been me) it hit me what I wanted to do with my life.

Isn't that sad? It took me SO long to open up & I almost fucked up.
I want to go to school for film. I remember when I was younger I wanted to be a director for the longest time. So many adults rolled their eyes at me- it was so hard to say it confidently anymore. After that I started changing my mind & getting caught up in the wrong things.
But this is it. I WISH I could study film in the U.S. but we shall see.

I would LOVE to make music videos but I would also love to make films too.
I've always wanted to make movies

I haven't really told anyone and I don't really want to until I make it.... or I'm studying it. People are so judgemental if you want to do something creative for a living. This would probably be a good time for me to mention that my mother is an artist. Artist as in... she paints and people will buy it. If you drove through the town I am from and saw all of the paintings on the buildings or inside some- those paintings were done by my mom :)
She also teaches classes too! With a mother thats an artist I have seen first hand that a lot of people don't really know art. Yes, everyone's idea of art is different. What I'm trying to say is sometimes people don't appreciate it. We live in a world where everything needs to be clean cut perfect and thats a flaw. So when you set out to break the mould or be and do something creative people look at you through judgemental eyes.

Fuck those miserable people.

Then there is always the dreaded question that comes with such a risk.

Mom: What if it doesn't work out? What if you can't make a living as a director or what if you're scripts don't sell?

Me: I'll direct porn.

*awkward silence*

Mom: Hahaha !! Well I suppose the demand is there for that

Hahaha sometimes I don't give my mom enough credit for how awesome she is somedays lol

1 comment:

  1. I'm happy you're embracing your personal legend Suzanne :)
