Monday, August 23, 2010


Yesterday my mom went to the grocery store that I used to work at when I was a kid. I decided to sit in the car. We pulled into our spot while a white van pulled into the opposite one facing us. My mom left and I turned up some Zeppelin.

Mr. T.W. Brooks steps out of his van with a huge fluffy dog sticking his head out of the passenger seat. Who's T.W.? If you're ever in Gravenhurst and you see a man riding a horse down the sidewalks... that's T.W. A lot of people don't know him very well but he fascinated me ever since I was a kid.

When I still worked at the grocery store I was working as a Photolab Tech Assistant (lmao). Mr. T.W. Brooks always developed pictures of his horses and would show me all of his horses and would tell me a bit about their personalities. He lived by himself but he never let on like it was something that bothered him. Not many people know too much about him but everyone knows who he is. T.W. is a very straight up type of gentlemen- I always like that in people but a lot of people don't (no surprise). You can tell that he's worldly and has something interesting about him. Sometimes he dresses in some old military pieces that you can tell had once been brought to battle.

I mention T.W. because seeing him yesterday brought me back to a few years ago when I was working at the Photolab counter. He was showing me pictures of his horses and we started talking a bit.

T.W.: So what are you going to do when you're done?
Me: School you mean?
T.W.: Ya
Me: Probably just go to university

"I remember when I was finishing school... we were all suppose to go to Europe. We all made plans to backpack through the continent and live like Europeans. I will never forget the day that I walked across that tarmac and I never saw a single one of them there with me. I just went by myself and they all went off to school. I had the best time. I remember when I'd sometimes just sleep in the fields", T.W. told me.

I got an image in my head of a younger T.W. in a golden field with the sun setting on it, falling asleep on his backpack with horses sleeping scattered all through the field.

Why did I remember this in the parking lot? My friends are counting down the days until they move for university or college or they are counting down the days to their victory lap. I met this one really cool guy on my facebook that's actually from Bracebridge. He took a year off and toured all through places like Mexico. I love hearing from people that have gone on trips like that- it's inspiring. He asked if I was going to travel on my own. It never really occurred to me...but ya... I am. Everyone seems to be concerned except for me. I am usually scared of everything but I guess this just sits well with me.

Seeing T.W. reminded me of my image of a European farm out in the open. Now when I picture next year I get an image of myself napping in the hot California sun with the sand forming around the outline of my body.

We were all supposed to get world tickets. I am the only person I know itching to buy her plane tickets. I guess you have to go at it on your own sometimes. This isn't the first time I have looked around saying "But I thought that...oh fuck it! Whatever." There is something very fulfilling that comes from saying, "Ya, I can do it on my own."

I know I've been talking about Cali and NY. Everyone has been telling me about couch surfing though. I gave a tour today to an older Chinese couple with a nephew touring Europe with a backpack. My parents will kill me for suggesting it. I can picture it now...

"You're a pretty girl! You can't do that."

....I kind of want to. I'm sorry.

Maybe this is what will happen after New Years in NY?
I'm going to sign up and see where it goes....


  1. Fly baby fly. I took a bike ride one day and did'nt return for almost two years. I would find work when I needed I was much younger then... now I would not take any thing for a moment of it.
    I remember a night in the Mojave dessert I was so very cold. I spent the night leaning against by bike. I would start it and get it hot... it would get cold; I would have to restart it to keep it hot. I awoke just before sunrise shivering. I watched the most beautiful sunrise; the colors were unworldly.
    The moral of this story... the night shivering in a bed roll was no price to see the sunrise. Fly baby fly. A Facebook Friend, Bobby Wright

  2. spread your wings while you can :)
