Friday, August 27, 2010

Feedback !

I have already been posting for almost one month.

When I started I was a little discouraged thinking, "I wonder how many people are reading what I am writing now?" I used to have a lot of readers before I moved to blogger from facebook where I was able to reach tens of thousands that later made me a fan page reaching a couple hundred. I especially loved the support from my own hometown. Sadly its hard to grow in a small town but as time goes on I learn to cope.

I started to get some friend adds on blogger which got me very excited!
Then I started getting feedback...

I've been stopped in the street in my own town a couple of times now to hear something along the lines of, "I love your blog! It's so fun to read."
I love, love, love that.

Here is some more of my feedback that's encouraged me to keep going!

"Your blog was very inspiring and kept me reading, thanks for making my daaay and making me think bigger :) "

"I honestly believe you have some of the most interesting opinions and insights I ever heard...really refreshing in times like these. Please do write it all down! :) "

"...I like the way you question things, never taking anything for granted, never accepting other people's truths as well as, like me, being irritated on all the "zombies" out there making life so easy and boring for themselves. I also sense your underlying passion for the things you write about. I think it hard to believe that anything you write will ever be dull and uninteresting. Are you gonna do some traveling too?"

"Suzanneeee !!
I read your last blog, it's unreal. You're such a great writer. I wanted to tell you personally."

Thanks you guys for sending me these messages! I love hearing the feedback♥
Keep it coming.

I want to hear your thoughts and stories as well.

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