Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The List Has Begun

So much has been happening! I don't even know what to write or where to begin. I have been sick for a while with food poisoning lmao but I feel better now so I can get back to running laps after work and ab ripper.

I guess this is a good time to discuss 'The List'. The List being my list of things to do and accomplish. I am keeping it private until I do accomplish something on it- then I will post some of those things...unless I forget.

First off I'd like to give a shout out to my bestie Mel who moved away Tuesday to get ready and settled in for school. I am very excited for her since she really is the sweetest girl so I am very excited to hear about all of the new things/experiences and people that she will encounter.

Rachel, Me, Melanie

-Stayed awake at the Drive-in
-Got Backstage at a concert
- ...& I am going to add 'surviving food poisoning' cuz that just f*cking sucked.

NEVER TYPE SYMPTOMS INTO GOOGLE! all signs point to pregnant for an 18yr-old girl. Since I am barely capable of keeping my room clean... that google search made me feel that much more sick to my stomach lol.

So before my friend Mel left Rach, Mel and I chose to go to a concert seeing as it seemed like a fun way to start ending off the summer. Kaylee couldn't make it but we did a few pre-shots just for her. We got to the concert and found out that some people had been waiting for two hours! Way too long and was so hot outside that you could sweat by just standing there.

Rachels friend was working that night and came over and chatted with us and said she'd let us in early. She definitly did. We walked past everyone and got some hater stares but whatever. We were at the very front and rocked out- especially Rach. She's wild and I totally love her for it♥. The singer of the opening band tossed her his bandana with marijuana leafs on it haha. It was a great night. At the end we found him and he even recognized us and gave us hugs! I will proudly sport my "Got Kush?" band tank (at a party)...despite the fact that I am anti-drugs lol

I am super embarassed that my first pics posted of me on this site are ones taken after a concert on a humid day. I promise.... I do shower :) I think I look pretty deece after having been sweat on by a bunch of horny teenage girls, no? lol

We walked outside bummed that it was all over and almost went to a party when we saw Nicole again and she said we should be backstage. We walk back there and there were muscians everywhere. I was definitly not prepared but all of the guys were so cool to chill with. I was so happy to meet Bucky he's so chill. He held my hand during Rich Girl$ and high fived me when I saw him again lol. I refuse to post any other pics on here since I look gross. But it was an awesome last hang out with Mel♥

The day afterward I classy-d it up lots and hit up Toronto with some of my other good friends Mark, Vanessa, Brit and Jon. We seriously spent the whole day shopping- I loved it. I especially loved our long convos in the car about life, work, religion, education, drugs etc. They are all such deep people and so well spoken. I love hearing from people that have something important to say (especially outside of the norm.) and just know how to say it. I loved it.

I had an excellent weekend.
Crossed off some of the list.

Up next:
Finishing Off the W's

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