Sunday, October 10, 2010

Life Threw Me a Bone pt.1

I was back in Toronto for my call back with a modelling agent. This time I was ready for it though. I basically chugged back some caffeine and was ready to strut into the office. I wanted this now. I knew I was good enough. When I sat down within just a few seconds she said that I had a unique look that not many of her models had for my category. I was in.


She passed me my contract and I read it twice lawyer style and scribbled my name down. She never told me to lose weight or change anything about myself -I couldn't believe it I was so pleased. From there things snowballed and karma was finally on my side. Every day I went out in Toronto I had boys hitting me up, I was getting modelling offers.... it almost felt like a joke.

I walk into this super hip studio in this artsy area at the end of the week. Surprisingly I wasn't the least bit nervous. This was my first shoot for my agent so I could make my comp cards. The photographer, make up artist, hair stylist were the shit. I LOVED my photographer. He was so cool to work with and he was definitely very talented. Everything felt right and came easy.

This felt right.

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